[aspectc-user] Problems with getting aspectC to work.

Shishir Ramam sramam at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 17:02:24 CET 2005


I need help getting AcpectC++ to work on the following setup - 
 WinXpP + Mingw + Eclipse + ACDT + examples/Action code. 
Can't seem to get the simple examples compiled. The details
of the steps I have followed thus far - 

- Installed Eclipse, mingw and ACDT
- set PATH= Path2aspectC;Path2Mingw\bin;%PATH%
   (Note these are ahead of the default path)
- Started a new c++ project in Eclipse.
- Imported file system from aspectC/examples/Action
- On attempting to build, had some problems with the include paths
  from within eclipse. Incrementally, added directories to the include
  path in the project, to this effect - 

1. Default Eclipse project.
>ac++  -r repo.acp -p .. -o main.acc -c ../main.cc
../main.cc:3: error: No include path in which to find `stdio.h'

2. Added -IMingwPath/include
>ac++  -r repo.acp -p .. -o main.acc -c ../main.cc -IMingwPath/include
MingwPath/include/stddef.h:7: error: No include path in which to find `stddef.h'
MingwPath/include/stdarg.h:7: error: No include path in which to find `stdarg.h'
MingwPath/include/stdio.h:176: error: invalid declaration near token `FILE'
MingwPath/include/stdio.h:191: error: invalid declaration near token `FILE'

3. Added -IMingwPath/lib/gcc-lib/mingw32/3.2.3/include -IMingwPath/include
>ac++  -r repo.acp -p .. -o main.acc -c ../main.cc \
-IMingwPath/lib/gcc-lib/mingw32/3.2.3/include -IMingwPath/include
MingwPath/lib/gcc-lib/mingw32/3.2.3/include/stddef.h:327: \
	error: invalid type specified in declaration
MingwPath/lib/gcc-lib/mingw32/3.2.3/include/stdarg.h:44: error: \
	invalid declaration near token `__gnuc_va_list'
MingwPath/include/stdio.h:176: error: invalid declaration near token `FILE'
MingwPath/include/stdio.h:191: error: invalid declaration near token `FILE'

- To ensure that mingw was setup correctly, I attempted a 
   gcc ../main.cc from the Eclipse/workspace/Test/debug. 
   This worked fine and generated an a.exe which ran as expected. 

- Not sure where to go from here.
- Oh, and 'cat puma.config' =
   -D __puma
   -D __STDC__

Any help getting this sorted out is much appreciated.


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