[aspectc-user] How can I do something before of this

Wagner Salazar salazar.wagner at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 21:41:39 CEST 2006

I newer in AspectC and I need help.

My Problem:

1- someMethod don't have a class
2- callMethod is a member of Abstractions*.

Something like this:

void someMethod(A* m, int i)

  Abstractions* m = (Abstractions*)A;

I'm trying to do this:

aspect SomethingBefore {

    pointcut calls() =
        call("% %::%(...)");

   advice calls() : before() {
        cout<<"do something"<<endl;


What's wrong? What I have to do to intercepted the m->callMethod(i) ??? thxs
for any help !
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